Monday, January 2, 2012


I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday!

We were able to deliver for the McWright family!  We took them a BIG gift basket on Christmas Eve, with several cards and lots of goodies.  The cards we collected totaled more than $800 in cash for the parents!

We collected SO much for this family.  Here is a brief list of some of the items given. 
Tanslie - sit and spin, pillow pet, tea set, dress up, baby dolls, baby doll changing station and MORE
Trace - remote control truck, movies, pop the pig, pillow pet, Cars cars and track, and MORE
Tanner - Bike, WII game, MIC, Aeropostale hoodie, remote control car and MORE
Tristen and Taylor - (EACH) $100 visa gift card, $15 iTunes, $10 Chick-fil-a card, Aeroposatle hoodie and tshirt.

All the kids got a stocking filled with tooth brushes, deodorant, band-aids, dental floss and more necessities.

THANK you so much for all of your help!  This turned out to be SO much more than I ever planned.  Being able to help some of my favorite people has been one of my greatest accomplishments! THANKS SO MUCH for all of your help!!  PLEASE continue to watch our blog and check for emails on more fundraising for the coming year!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

We did it!

Today I am dropping off an awesome goodie basket for the entire family.  I have already delivered all the toys for the kids. 

I can't say THANK YOU enough!  I have always known that I have some pretty awesome friends, but it is just amazing to see what can be accomplished from just one email.  When I started this a few weeks ago, I was just praying to get enough to just provide a few things for each child.  We TOTALLY outdid my expectations.  I am not going to post everything that we provided because they haven't opened their last gifts yet, just know that it is FABULOUS!

I am hoping that this will just be the beginning.  That next year will be even bigger!

Check back after Christmas for an update of what we raised!


Please continue to support this family in your prayers and KNOW that YOU made a difference this year.  THIS is what Christmas is really all about!

Friday, December 16, 2011


We have raised OVER $1300!!! That is AMAZING!!!  Obviously Christmas will be totally taken care of!! 

We want to continue to raise money for treatment cost.  Aaron is flying back to M.D. Anderson in January for a follow up appointment and many other times through out the year.  We will be planning a few fundraisers next year to continue to help support this family! 

Please continue to pass this story to all that may care! Continue your prayers for this family as well! 

This is such an awesome testimony that people are still GOOD

I will update the final list of items and money provided after Christmas!!


Thursday, December 15, 2011


We are doing wonderful and have raised over $500 in gift cards and donations.  PLEASE continue to donate and pass this along to others who may be interested.  We will be doing a few fundraisers next year to help in covering the cost of flights and anything else that is incurred due to the cost of Aaron's treatment.

THANKS so much to each of you that have donated!  YOU are making such a wonderful impact on this family!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Visit

This weekend I was able to stop by and visit with Shawna, Tanslie and the Boys.  I can not express my LOVE for this family.  They are truly awesome! 

I was able to drop off the first load of presents to Shawna.  It was amazing handing these presents to her.  After Christmas I will post a list of everything we were able to buy! But so far it is looking like a wonderful Christmas for these kids.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Between gift cards and monetary donations we are now above $500!  We even have someone looking into some donated buddy passes to help Aaron go back to M.D. Anderson!

Thanks so much for your support! PLEASE KEEP SHARING!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Doing GREAT!

A BIG Thank You to all those who have already donated!  We have raised over $200 our first day!  Please continue to pass along to anyone who may be interested in giving to our cause! 

Post it on Facebook, Tweet it, Pin it, whatever you have to do to get the word out there!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


If you know of anyone else that would be interested in Aaron's story and helping the McWrights please pass this on! 

We need as much help as we can get to give this deserving family a wonderful holiday!

Please DONATE today!
